GPS TrackMaker is the most complete free program for GPS devices. Using the Real-Time Navigation routine you can go out with a GPS conected to a portable computer, knowing exactly what's your location on the map.
Main features:
- Supports background vectorial maps which open very fast on screen
- Complete support for Tracklogs, Routes and Waypoints edition
- Database with more than 280 different datums
- The data can be stored in TXT , GTM and other formats.
Useful application.
I tried it but it was far too complicated and difficult for me. I could not even get a map to load into it. Google Earth is far easier to understand and use to build routes. I was hoping to achieve this . " Using the Real-Time Navigation routine you can go out with a GPS conected to a portable computer, knowing exactly what's your location on the map". But it's too hard to work out.